A comparison of push vs phone-home communication approaches between API Gateways and Management Services

API Gateways deliver critical runtime capabilities in enterprise-wide API management infrastructures. However, such runtime capabilities must also be complemented with other design-time and governance capabilities in support of activities such as APIs lifecycle management, API design, policy definition and implementation, deployment, retirement, monitoring, and so on. The aforementioned design-time/governance capabilities, are often offered by different API management vendors as a separate M anagement Service infrastructure that augments/complements the runtime infrastructure (API Gateways). Needless to say in order for runtime and design-time/governance infrastructure to work together cohesively as a collective whole, there must be some sort of effective and reliable communication between these two main components. Whereas some products like for example the Oracle API Platform Cloud Service , deliver a phone-home approach for API Gateways to communicate with the...